Isidor and Doris Richstein Memorial Endowment

Eligibility: All
Area of Interest: Education


The recipients shall be Education majors from western Nebraska. Second preference shall be given to Education majors from the state of Nebraska.

Doris Bennett Richstein taught country grade schools for several years after graduating from Garden County High School in 1934. She attended summer school at CSC (in order to keep her teaching certificate) in 1941, 1942 and 1943. She did not graduate from CSC. Though Doris left teaching to become a teletype operator for Delta Airlines for a time before her marriage to Isidor Richstein, she never lost her love for learning. Both children of the Depression, Isidor and Doris worked together on a ranch south of Lakeside for 30 years. She cooked for the hired men and he did ranch work. Together they gardened and raised two daughters. They saved for their old age. Some funds remained after their deaths and this became CSC scholarship money.


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